Guild Wars 2 Review

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Guild Wars 2 is a high fantasy MMORPG that has combines a mix of both PvP and PvE and a solid storyline, the story is delivered in many different ways in guild wars 2, whether by questing, doing living world content, expansion content, or simply grabbing a lore book that you can find inside the game and reading it, now, the story in guild wars 2 is solid to say the least, but as every story has flaws, guild wars 2’s story also has its ups and downs, however, the story in guild wars 2 is always interesting, one time you’re solving political conflicts and schemes and the other you’re fighting giant dragons.

The Combat:

If there’s one thing Guild Wars 2 nails, it’s combat. Seriously, it’s a breath of fresh air in a genre filled with the usual boring tab targeting combat in almost every popular MMO, I’ve played my share of MMOs, and the usual tab-targeting, button mashing routine? It gets old. But in Guild Wars 2, every fight feels engaging and skill-driven, it’s a hybrid between action combat and tab targeting, taking the best aspects of the two systems and fusing it into one, The game has 9 distinct classes or professions as the game calls it, guild wars 2 prides itself in straying away from the usual tank healer damage dealer roles, every class can do these roles, make the experience unique and fun ,One feature I appreciate is the ability to swap weapons and skills. It gives room to experiment, ensuring battles never feel stale. Of course, like any game, it’s not without its flaws. But when it comes to combat, Guild Wars 2 offers depth and dynamism that’s hard to find elsewhere, It’s a system that rewards learning and mastering your class, rather than just grinding levels. And for me, that makes all the difference.”


Guild Wars 2’s approach to PvE represents a distinctive shift from traditional MMO mechanics. This evaluation covers key elements such as dungeons, fractals, and the general PvE landscape, Dungeons in Guild Wars 2 are woven into Tyria’s expansive lore, making them not only combat encounters but also narrative experiences. Each dungeon is designed with its own set of challenges and stories, offering players insights into the game’s broader world and history.

The fractals, or Fractals of the Mists as the game calls it, is another aspect of the game’s PvE that deserve mention. These instances provide players with a series of short, scalable challenges. One notable mechanic, ‘Agony,’ introduced in higher fractal levels, necessitates strategic planning and coordination, rather than simply gearing up and stat upgrades. This design choice emphasizes player skill and team synergy along with prior understanding of the encounters over equipment stats.

The game’s event-driven PvE system stands out in its dynamism. Unlike many MMOs with static questlines, Guild Wars 2 offers dynamic events that can evolve based on player participation and decisions, creating a more fluid and interactive environment.

World bosses in Guild Wars 2 are large-scale events that demand cooperation among a significant number of players. These events are not merely about tackling a powerful foe but require multi-phase coordination and strategy.

It’s worth noting that, like any MMO, Guild Wars 2 has moments where repetitive gameplay can emerge. However, the game’s commitment to dynamic events and varied content always proves to be more fun than the boring usual MMO grinds.”

Secrets of the Obscure:

Few weeks ago guild wars 2 launched its fourth and latest expansion, called secrets of the obscure.

The expansion introduces an aerial archipelago, offering two new aerial maps from the outset, with more anticipated in forthcoming updates. Of particular note is the Wizard’s Tower, the same wizard tower that was floating mysteriously above the sea near kessex hills, after almost 11 years of basically nothing happening there, arena net finally decides to use it and utilize it in the game’s newest expansion.

Now, the The Astral Ward emerges as a primary faction, where players can engage in skirmishes against the kryptis, not sure if i pronounced this correctly, anyway, the kryptis are a demonic race that invades Tyria using portals called rifts, now, if you ever played the MMO called “Rift Online”, a long dead MMO that it’s in maintenance mode nowadays, the rift system in guild wars 2 is similar to it, where rifts appear randomly in the map with mobs getting out of these rifts requiring player efforts to close and seal them for epic loot. As players advance, the challenges escalate, rifts difficulty and world bosses, with a rewarding system to complement their progression.

Central to this expansion is the artifact termed the Heart of the Obscure. This element plays a an important role in sealing rifts and confronting formidable enemies. Another feature is the Wizard’s Vault which provides players with an a way to get unique currencies by completing its daily objectives, lending a dynamic to the in-game economy, meaning that you can purchase gold, laurels and mystic coins with it.

For group content, the expansion offers Strike Missions, with two available at launch. A Fractal Dungeon is also on the horizon, which should cater to those seeking more PvE challenges.

The expansion’s mount system sees the revamped mastery system of the skyscale,  new Mastery features. Notably, these allow for improved aerial navigation capabilities, and an easier less grindy way to unlock it, I mean, it’s the change I long awaited for since could’ve never unlock that mount because of the huge grind behind it, so I’m happy that I can finally do it.

In terms of rewards, the expansion is generous. New armor sets, such as the Rift Hunter and Astral Ward, are accompanied by  diverse new in-game items and crafting reagents.

Another thing to note that arena net will release content every few months for the expansion, expanding the story with more missions and quests, more builds and more.

Each race in guild wars 2 has its own starting zone, quest line and backstory, making each starting experience feel unique.


Lastly, the monetization, guild wars 2 is free to play but requires the purchase of expansion in order to access certain features like the elite specs, mounts, the expansion masteries such as gliders and fishing.

You can explore the core game world, unlock all core masteries, participate in core dungeons and PvE and PvP content such as world vs world, structured pvp battleground and more, you can also get to level 80 which is the max level without purchasing anything, however the limits I mentioned previously hinder your experience by a great margin.

However, the game is pretty cheap price wise and goes on sale pretty often, they even offer expansion give aways sometimes too.

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